盖土网 防寒布 麻绳 油麻绳 麻刀 沥青麻绳 静压造型线 自动浇注机 铸铁拍门 钢制拍门 玻璃钢拍门聚合形成的;高聚合度PVC树脂是指在氯乙烯单体聚合体系中加入链增长剂聚合而成的树脂;交联PVC树脂是在氯乙烯单体聚合体系中加入含有双烯和多烯的交联剂聚合而成的树脂。
According to the different application range, PVC can be divided into:
General PVC resin, high polymerization degree PVC resin, cross-linked
PVC resin. General purpose PVC resin is formed by polymerization of
vinyl chloride monomer under the action of initiator; high degree of
polymerization PVC resin refers to the resin polymerized by adding chain
growth agent in vinyl chloride monomer polymerization system; cross
linked PVC resin is polymerized by adding crosslinker containing diene
and polyene in vinyl chloride monomer polymerization system.